Art notecards for sale / by JW Harrington

I’ve got blank notecards featuring images of some of my paintings. Each notecard is 4-1/8” x 5-3/4”. Each comes in a clear plastic sleeve, with an appropriately sized white envelope.

$5 each, plus tax if shipped to Washington State.

$1 shipping charge — free shipping for an order of 5 or more cards.

Top row, left to right: Appreciation 14; Colorado River at Navajo Ridge; Desert moons; Exit right; The final touch

Second row, left to right: Fred’s shadow; Fulara; Ife iya; The Impossibility of Knowing (17); The Impossibility of Knowing (25)

Third row, left to right: The Impossibility of Knowing (27); The Impossibility of Knowing (30); The Impossibility of Knowing (34); The Impossibility of Knowing (36); Night wave 1

Bottom row, left to right: October sunset; Pasaje; Shadowed self

Send me an e-mail ( if you’d like one or more, or if you have questions. I’ll calculate tax and shipping, and we can arrange for payment and shipping.